As you move through the gallery there is a shift towards contemporary artists and more playful recent works. These artists represent a more international breadth of work as well, and pieces are included by artists, Canal Cheong Jagerroos, Tim Nerheim-Chereck, Jung JiSook, Martin Smith, Deborah Kass, Mike Hammer, Adam Handler, Michelle Weddle, Angela Johal, and others.
Outside the gallery viewers can also find larger scale sculpture works throughout the grounds, by Kenneth Snelson, George Sugarman, Peter Busby, Martin Smith, and Jon Isherwood. These outdoor sculptures offer a variety of viewing experiences as the seasons, lighting, and perspectives change.
During the course of this exhibition, from fall through spring, the indoor and ootdoor works will be regularly changed out and switched up before a regular gallery program is set into effect in the spring. This will give viewers the opportunity to experience new work upon their next return.
We are delighted to open our doors to the public and allow visitors to experience the culmination of all the hard work that has gone into not only the opening and operation our newly built exhibition space, but also the production of such a strong and thoughtful collection of work.