Jonathan Prince American, 1952

 Many of his sculptures look as if a giant has come at it with a pickaxe and hacked a piece off. Inside that wound, shimmering stainless steel ripples like a slide of liquid mercury, winking in the light. --Cate McQuaid, Boston Globe
Jonathan Prince's sculptures explore the expansive potential for formal and expressive variety latent in stone. Sinuous, organic volumes suggest the presence of a fluid element within solid granite, while pristinely polished surfaces and perfect geometries create a contrasting machine aesthetic. Prince's geometric abstractions and clear awareness of both mass relationships and surface qualities demonstrate his artistic inheritance from Constantin Brancusi, Jean Arp, and other masters of twentieth-century modernist sculpture.
The artist resurrected his latent passion for sculpture in 2004 after a distinguished and diverse professional career in the arts and sciences. Prince completed a doctorate at Columbia University and post-doctoral studies at the University of Southern California. He has produced feature films and directed numerous computer-animated special effects projects including significant contributions to an Emmy Award-winning CBS television miniseries. He has been involved in several large-scale technology and art installations at such renowned venues as the Smithsonian Institution and holds several design patents for his developments in optical engineering.
The artist described his full-time return to sculpture as a turning point in his life. According to critic Alexandra Anderson-Spivvy Prince's return to the studio has produced "a mature body of work, refined in concept and fearless in execution."