GILBERTO ROMERO: New Work Collaborations

17 May - 8 June 2014

In May of 2014 Morrison Gallery hosted the unique exhibit, New Work and Collaborations by Gilberto Romero.

The artworks exhibited integrate the styles of these two artists at their most intoxicating. The gilded curves of Romero’s works gracefully intertwine with the playful attitude. 

The sinuous abstracted line of Gilberto Romero's fabricated bronzes is rooted in the deep traditional culture of Northern New Mexico. Romero believes his deep respect for his Hispanic family values and the outdoor environment is best expressed, not in the traditional imagery of the New Mexican Santero, but in the contemporary imagery of bronze, steel and stone. The shape, line, color and even the negative space in and around each sculpture express Romero's feelings for family and nature.


Romero specializes in bronze sculpture, specifically work done in the fabrication process. This process allows for a more refined and sharper look to his work. Fabrication is a difficult practice in which to succeed at. It requires precision in welding to obtain a fluid and continuous line – a technique that only master welders can achieve. Romero is primarily hands on and does his work in the studio.